competition success review

competition success review
competition success review

Monday, July 4, 2022

Banking Services chronicle

Banking Services chronicle

Banking Services chronicle Published this article page no 150  Use of latest remote surveillance and IT services helps in effective monitoring of the sand mining activity. Thus there is a need for an effective policy for monitoring of sand mining in the Country which can be enforced on the ground. Objective of the Guidelines  Identification and Quantification of Mineral Resource and its optimal utilization.  To regulate the Sand & Gravel Mining in the Country since its identification to its final enduse by the consumers and the general public.  Use of ITenabled services & latest technologies for surveillance of the sand mining at each step.  Reduction in demand & supply gaps.  Setting up the procedure for replenishment study of Sand.  Post Environmental Clearance Monitoring.  Procedure for Environmental Audit.  To control the instance of illegal mining. The Guidelines  District Survey Report (DSR) is to be prepared to identify and define the mining and no mining zones considering various environmental and social factors.  All district to prepare a comprehensive mining plan for the district as per the provision of DSR.  Abandoned stream channels on the floodplains should be preferred rather than active channels and their deltas and floodplains.  Replenishment study should be conducted on regular basis to nullify the adverse impacts of sand extraction.  Mining depth should be restricted to 3 meters.  No riverbed mining operation allowed in monsoon period.  It suggested the use of technology such as drones mobile application andor bar code scanners etc. for checking illegal mining reserves estimation quantity estimation land use monitoring Banking Services chronicle buy. 

Banking Services chronicle

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