competition success review

competition success review
competition success review

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Arihant current affairs

Arihant current affairs

Arihant current affairs published this article 46 the constitution also provides federal supremacy to parliament on concurrent list items i.e. in case of a conflict a central law will override a state law. why concurrent list?the aim of the concurrent list was to ensure uniformity across the country where independently both centre and state can legislate. thus a model law with enough flexibility for states was originally conceived in the constitution.also few concurrent list subjects required huge finances needing both centre and state to contribute. sarkaria commission recommendation on concurrent list Arihant current affairs buy.

Arihant current affairs

Monday, July 25, 2022

knowledge quest monthly magazine knowledge

knowledge quest monthly magazine knowledge

knowledge quest monthly magazine knowledge Published this article page no 24 radhanath sikdar was the first person to calculate the height of the highest mountain the mount everest.kishori mohan bandhopadhyay played vital role in discovery of malarial parasite for which sir ronald ross received the nobel prize.seebchunder nandy and rendered excellent services to the british government during the mutiny of 1857 as the inspector.however none of them got their due credits and were discriminated in terms of low salary no promotion etc. science as tool for liberations the opening of new educational institutions in calcutta madras and bombay by the british was in line with their intention to prepare a more skilled and learned workforce. the young brigade of scientists coming out of these institutions wanted to break the shackles of the myth that indians could not think scientifically did not have logical thinking and could not do original research in the prevailing fields during those days. this led to birth of many scientific institutions by Indians knowledge quest monthly magazine knowledge buy.

knowledge quest monthly magazine knowledge

Monday, July 18, 2022

E magazine competition success review

E magazine competition success review

E magazine competition success review Published this article page no 74   The NSFI also recommends periodic evaluation of financial inclusion policies through monitoring of financial inclusion parameters Access Usage and Quality.  It would provide policy makers and stakeholders with necessary insights to understand the achievements made in the country and to address issues and challenges through a coordinated approach. Way Forward  Adequate measures are needed to create a safe environment by incorporating the principles of consent and privacy. 29 Ecommerce sector and related terminologies  Ecommerce means buying and selling of goods and services including digital products over digital & electronic network.  Types of ecommerce business models o Inventory based model an ecommerce activity where inventory of goods and services is owned by ecommerce entity and is sold to the consumers directly. E.g. Grofers o Marketplace based model  means providing of an information technology platform by an ecommerce entity on a digital & electronic network to act as a facilitator between buyer and seller. E.g. Amazon Flipkart etc.  FDI Provisions o 100% FDI under automatic route is permitted in marketplace model of ecommerce. o FDI is not permitted in inventory based model of ecommerce. About PCA  It is a framework under which banks with weak financial metrics are put under watch by the RBI.  The RBI introduced the PCA framework in 2002 as a structured earlyintervention mechanism for banks that become undercapitalised due to poor asset quality or vulnerable due to loss of profitability.  It aims to check the problem of NonPerforming Assets (NPAs) in the Indian banking sector.  The PCA framework deems banks as risky if they slip some trigger points  capital to risk weighted assets ratio (CRAR) net NPA Return on Assets (RoA) and Tier 1 Leverage ratio.  Digital financial inclusion and the role of fintech should be meaningfully integrated in the policy discourse.  Surveys and feedback from the customers leveraging on Big Data sets and importantly collecting and analyzing granular data to gather a holistic perspective on the coverage and also the usage of financial services is essential E magazine competition success review buy.

E magazine competition success review

Saturday, July 16, 2022

Junior Science Refresher

Junior Science Refresher

Junior Science Refresher Published this article page no  47 Objective o Assessing foreign policy and international legal implications of emerging technology and technologybased resources. o Facilitating negotiations to safeguard Indian interests at multilateral forum like the United Nations or the G20. o Creation of HR capacity within the ministry for technological diplomacy work. o Collaboration with foreign partners in the field of 5G and artificial intelligence. Facets of Emerging Technology in Foreign Relations  Digital diplomacy It refers to the broader use of technology particularly the internet and other ICTbased innovations in the conduct of diplomacy. Digital measures have roles in negotiations policy processes and crisis managements that are all attached to diplomatic activities. o For example despite experiencing an outbreak of Zika virus in 2015 and 2016 the government of Brazil was able to convince the international society by using social media on their preparedness for the 2016 Olympics and World Cup.  Technology and the Balance of Power Emerging technologies primarily shape the balance of power through military and economic means. Technologies can directly influence countries abilities to fight and win wars. They can also indirectly affect the balance of power by impacting a countrys economic power Junior Science Refresher buy. 

Junior Science Refresher

Friday, July 15, 2022

Shine india monthly magazine

Shine india monthly magazine

Shine india monthly magazine Published this article page no  38 The 103rd Constitution Amendment Act 2019 inserted Article 15 (6) and Article 16 (6) in the Constitution to allow reservation for the EWS among the general category. o It was enacted to promote the welfare of the poor not covered by the 50% reservation policy for the SCST and the Socially and Educationally Backward Classes. o Article 15 has been amended to enable the government to take special measures for the advancement of economically weaker sections (EWS). o Up to 10% of seats may be reserved for such sections for admission in educational institutions. Such reservation will not apply to minority educational institutions. o The newly added Article 16(6) permits the government to reserve up to 10% of all posts for the economically weaker sections of citizens. o This reservation of up to 10% for the EWS will be in addition to the existing reservation cap of 50% reservation for SC ST and OBCs. o The central government will notify the economically weaker sections of citizens on the basis of family income and other indicators of economic disadvantage Shine india monthly magazine buy.

Shine india monthly magazine

Thursday, July 14, 2022

Mahindra current affairs magazine

Mahindra current affairs magazine

Mahindra current affairs magazine Published this article page no  105 Kerela police have established a specialised darknet lab in Cyberdome and four officers have been trained as darknet analysts to monitor these activities. o To keep up with increasing the cyber security threats the police are trying to maintain a high level of awareness regarding the latest cyber security trends and events. About Quantum Technology Quantum Technology is based on the principles of quantum theory which revolves around waveparticle duality of matter. Subatomic matters like electrons may act as wave and there is some uncertainty involved in determining characteristics like their speed or location. This uncertainty or probability (0 to 1) is used in quantum computing. About Quantum Computing An ordinary computer chip uses bits which hold information in the form of 0 (off) or 1 (on). Instead of bits quantum computers use quantum bits or qubits. This helps it in following ways  Superposition (qubit can take values of 0 or 1 or range from 0 to 1) unlike normal computer which rules out wrong methods to find the right one a quantum computer can go down every method at once. So they even carry potential to crack todays encryption easily.  Entanglement although contested and not fully understood yet it is kind of teleportation of information where information at one side of wave function can be used to interpret at the other even if they are physically separate. 67  It is perceived that the countries who achieve an edge in this emerging field will have a greater advantage in garnering multifold economic growth and dominant leadership role download mahendra current affairs magazine.

Mahindra current affairs magazine

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

junior science refresher

junior science refresher

junior science refresher Published this article page no    87 TFA is funded by the governments of Norway the United Kingdom and the Netherlands and its secretariat is hosted at the World Economic Forum.  Its action area for 2019 include 10 priority actions to reduce tropical deforestation from global agricultural supply chains as defined in the Commodities and Forests Agenda 2020. o The Commodities and Forests Agenda 2020 summarizes the strategic priorities that must be addressed to eliminate tropical deforestation from beef soy and palm oil production. It is under the aegis of World Economic Forum. It aids database visualization data analytics generation of automatic reports model based products and services for the benefit of Gram Panchayat members and other stake holders such as PRIs and the public.  For the first time thematic database on high scale for the entire country is available with high integrated High Resolution satellite data for planning.  Bhuvan is the national Geoportal developed and hosted by ISRO comprising of Geo Spatial Data Services and Tools for Analysis junior science refresher buy.

junior science refresher

Thursday, July 7, 2022

Drishti current affairs today

Drishti current affairs today

Drishti current affairs today Published this article page no  08 INDIACENTRAL ASIA Why in news? Recently Foreign minister was in Kyrgyzstan on a bilateral visit where he announced a $200 million credit line and later attended a meeting of the Conference on Interaction and ConfidenceBuilding Measures in Asia (CICA) in Kazakhstan. IndiaCentral Asia relations From Past to PresentCentral Asian Republics (Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Turkmenistan Tajikistan and Uzbekistan) form a part of Indias extended neighbourhood.India has several millennia old historical cultural and civilisational links with Central Asia (Refer timeline).  India deals with Central Asia at multiple levels. Firstly at the bilateral level secondly at the multilateral level through platforms such as the SCO the Conference on Interaction and ConfidenceBuilding Measures in Asia (CICA) and the United Nations. Thirdly multilayered engagement between India and Central Asia such as the  IndiaCentral Asia Dialogue at the foreign ministers level. Significance of Central Asia for IndiaNatural and mineral resources These countries are endowed with commercially viable quantities of most minerals like coal oil gas uranium gold lead zinc iron ore tin copper manganese etc. Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan have enormous hydel resources. Thus the region can help in Indias quest for energy security.Geostrategic Traditionally Central Asia has been an arena of great game. The modern version is being played out even today. Russia China US Turkey Iran Europe EU Japan Pakistan India Afghanistan have all substantial security and economic interests in the region. o Also the region lies at the crossroads of Russia the Middle East South Asia and the Far East. Any geopolitical changes in the region inevitably extend their impact on several states in the neighbor hood Drishti current affairs today buy.

Drishti current affairs today

Monday, July 4, 2022

Junior science refresher

Junior science refresher

Junior science refresher Published this article page no  137 Pollution Explosive increase in the urban population has resulted into disposing of untreated local sewage and solid waste in to urban lakes and in many cases these water bodies have been ultimately turned into landfills.  Eutrophication The entry of nutrients through raw sewage cause various destructive changes in the lakes such as prolific growth of aquatic weeds in lakes and ponds that ultimately disturb and kill the ecology of the waterbody.  Encroachment Due to rapid economic development even a small piece of land in urban areas has a high economic value. Hence these urban water bodies are no more acknowledged for their ecosystem services but as real estate leading to high scale encroachment.  Illegal Mining Activities Illegal mining for building material such as sand and stones on the catchment and the bed of the lake also have extremely damaging impacts on the waterbody.  Unplanned Tourism Activities Lack of systematic planning and regulation and absence of garbage disposal facilities has contributed to the degradation of many water bodies especially at the highaltitude lakes for example Dal Lake in Srinagar.  Cultural Misuse The misuse of these water bodies by local communities for their cultural or religious festivals such as the immersion of idols are particularly a source of serious pollution in lakes. Institutional Arrangements for the Protection of Lakes in India Junior science refresher buy.

Junior science refresher

Banking Services chronicle

Banking Services chronicle

Banking Services chronicle Published this article page no 150  Use of latest remote surveillance and IT services helps in effective monitoring of the sand mining activity. Thus there is a need for an effective policy for monitoring of sand mining in the Country which can be enforced on the ground. Objective of the Guidelines  Identification and Quantification of Mineral Resource and its optimal utilization.  To regulate the Sand & Gravel Mining in the Country since its identification to its final enduse by the consumers and the general public.  Use of ITenabled services & latest technologies for surveillance of the sand mining at each step.  Reduction in demand & supply gaps.  Setting up the procedure for replenishment study of Sand.  Post Environmental Clearance Monitoring.  Procedure for Environmental Audit.  To control the instance of illegal mining. The Guidelines  District Survey Report (DSR) is to be prepared to identify and define the mining and no mining zones considering various environmental and social factors.  All district to prepare a comprehensive mining plan for the district as per the provision of DSR.  Abandoned stream channels on the floodplains should be preferred rather than active channels and their deltas and floodplains.  Replenishment study should be conducted on regular basis to nullify the adverse impacts of sand extraction.  Mining depth should be restricted to 3 meters.  No riverbed mining operation allowed in monsoon period.  It suggested the use of technology such as drones mobile application andor bar code scanners etc. for checking illegal mining reserves estimation quantity estimation land use monitoring Banking Services chronicle buy. 

Banking Services chronicle

competition refresher magazine

competition refresher magazine competition refresher magazine   this article was published in the magazine leap second  the general conferen...