competition success review

competition success review
competition success review

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

junior science refresher

junior science refresher

junior science refresher  Published this article page no 47  Subtactics are being used with the intention to eliminate competition. About the Competition Commission Of India Established under the Competition Act 2002 for the administration implementation and enforcement of the Act and was duly constituted in March 2009.  Chairman and members are appointed by the central government. Functions of the commission 1. To eliminate practices having adverse effects on competition. 2. Promote and sustain competition. 3. Protect the interests of consumers and ensure freedom of trade in the markets of India. The Competition Act The Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices Act 1969 (MRTP Act) was repealed and replaced by the Competition Act 2002 on the recommendations of the Raghavan committee.  The Competition Act 2002 as amended by the Competition (Amendment) Act 2007 prohibits anticompetitive agreements abuse of dominant position by enterprises and regulates combinations (acquisition acquiring of control and M&A) which causes or likely to cause an appreciable adverse effect on competition within India. Insta Curious How might cartels be worse than monopolies junior science refresher buy.

junior science refresher

junior science refresher

junior science refresher

junior science refresher  Published this article page no  46 The Competition Commission of India has dismissed allegations of predatory pricing against ecommerce platform Shopee. What were the allegations of violation of competition norms against Shopee? Shopee sells various products at extremely low prices with the intention to eliminate competition from small retailers.  For example Shopees deep discounting tactics including flash sales of products for Re.1 Rs 9 and Rs 49 were aimed at attracting a large base of customers and consumer preference data which the company could use to its advantage. What is Shopee? Shopee is a Singaporean multinational technology company which focuses mainly on ecommerce.  130  Shopee is owned by SEA Limited which also owns Garena Free Fire a popular mobile game that was among the 54 apps restricted in India.  As of 2021 it is widely considered as the largest ecommerce platform in Southeast Asia. What has the CCI ruled? Shopee did not hold significant market power as it is a relatively new entrant in a market with well established players. What is Predatory pricing? Predatory pricing is the illegal act of setting prices low to attempt to eliminate the competition.  Predatory pricing violates antitrust laws as it makes markets more vulnerable to a monopoly. Establishing that a business is engaging in predatory pricing requires that  The enterprise be a dominant player in the relevant market.  Its goods or services are being marketed below cost junior science refresher buy. 

junior science refresher

Saturday, June 25, 2022

junior science refresher magazine pdf free download

junior science refresher magazine pdf free download

junior science refresher magazine pdf free download Published this article page no  74 The Speaker in consultation with the Business Advisory Committee allots time for discussion of the matters referred to in the Governors Address.A motion is moved by a member and seconded by another member thanking the Governor for the Address.The occasion provided for General Discussion in respect of any aspect of administration and also the matters referred to in the address.Members may move Amendments to the Motion of Thanks in such form as may be considered appropriate by the Speaker. Do you know about the Motion of thanks to the president? Read this article to understand. Insta Curious Do you know what happens if the President disagrees with the text of the speech? Are they still bound to read it? Chief Justice of India N.V. Ramana has dubbed it unfortunate that only 17 of 37 women recommended by the Supreme Court collegium were appointed as judges in high courts while the rest still remain pending with the government. Suggestions made by the CJIThe appointment of women judges should not be reduced to a mere symbolic gesture.Women judges add rich experience and bring to the table a nuanced understanding of the differing impacts that certain laws may have on both men and women. Status of women in Indian judiciaryIn the 71 years of history of the SC there have been only 11 women judges (Source Wikipedia) — the first was Justice Fathima Beevi who was elevated to the bench after a long gap of 39 years from the date of establishment of the SC junior science refresher magazine pdf free download buy.

junior science refresher magazine pdf free download

junior science refresher magazine pdf free download

junior science refresher magazine pdf free download

junior science refresher magazine pdf free download Published this article page no  73 The customary governors address on the opening day of the budget session of a state assembly was mired in controversy recently in West Bengal and Telangana. What happened in West Bengal? The governor of West Bengal Jagdeep Dhankhar was unable to deliver his address at the Vidhan Sabha on the first day of the budget session amid sloganeering chaos and protests. What happened in Telangana? In Telangana the budget session of the state assembly commenced without the customary governors address and the incumbent Tamilisai Soundararajan expressed discontent over the state governments decision to not have the governors address at the beginning of the session. Governors Address  43 Article 176(1) of the Constitution of India enjoins that the Governor shall Address both the Houses assembled together at the commencement of the first Session after each general election to the Assembly and at the commencement of the first session of each year and inform the Legislature of the causes of its Summons. What it contains? The Address of the Governor contains a review of the activities and Achievements of the Government during the previous year and their policy with regard to important internal problems as well as a brief account of the programme of Government Business for the session. Discussions on Governors addressOn the first day on which the discussion on the Address of the Governor begins a copy of the Address of the Governor is laid on the table of the House junior science refresher magazine pdf free download buy.

junior science refresher magazine pdf free download

Thursday, June 23, 2022

civil services chronicle magazine

civil services chronicle magazine

civil services chronicle magazine  Published this article page no  121 84. The Frontier 2022 report The UNEP Annual Frontier Report 2022 was released recently.  It was titled Noise Blazes and Mismatches. Highlights of the report  Dhaka has been ranked as the noisiest city in the world which is followed by Moradabad Uttar Pradesh.  Five Indian cities have been ranked in this list of being among the noisiest cities of the world which are Asansol Jaipur Kolkata New Delhi and Moradabad.  Irbid Jordan has been ranked as the worlds quietest city and it is followed by Lyon France and Madrid Spain. 85. OneHorned Rhino The population of onehorned rhinoceros increased by 200 over the last four years in Assams Kaziranga National Park and Tiger Reserve.  The rhino counts at Kaziranga National Park and Tiger Reserve stood at 2613 comprising 866 males 1049 females 273 unsexed 279 juveniles and 146 calves. About Rhinoceros  Only the Great OneHorned Rhino is found in India.  Also known as Indian rhino it is the largest of the rhino species.  It is identified by a single black horn and a greybrown hide with skin folds.  They primarily graze with a diet consisting almost entirely of grasses as well as leaves branches of shrubs and trees fruit and aquatic plants. Protection Status 1. IUCN Red List Vulnerable. 2. Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) Appendix I (Threatened with extinction and CITES prohibits international trade in specimens of these species except when the purpose of the import is not commercial for instance for scientific research). 3. Wildlife Protection Act 1972 Schedule I. Other Conservation Efforts by India  The five rhino range nations (India Bhutan Nepal Indonesia and Malaysia) have signed a declaration The New Delhi Declaration on Asian Rhinos 2019 for the conservation and protection of the species.  The Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC) has begun a project to create DNA profiles of all rhinos in the country.  National Rhino Conservation Strategy It was launched in 2019 to conserve the greater onehorned rhinoceros. 86. Sariska Tiger Reserve  Located in This tiger reserve is located in Alwar district Rajasthan.  It became part of Indias Project Tiger in 1978.  Tiger relocation It is the first reserve in the world with successfully relocated tigers.  202  It is an important biodiversity area in the Northern Aravalli leopard and wildlife corridor.  It is rich in mineral resources such as  It is a part of the Aravalli Range and the KhathiarGir dry deciduous forests ecoregion. 87. P  8I  Navy recently commissioned second P8I squadron INAS 316 Condors in Goa.  The Indian Naval Air Squadron (INAS) 316 will operate four P8I aircraft procured as part of the optional clause in 2016 in a deal worth over $1 bn.  The squadron has been named Condors one of the largest flying land birds with a massive wingspan civil services chronicle magazine buy.

civil services chronicle magazine

arihant current affairs magazine monthly

arihant current affairs magazine monthly

arihant current affairs magazine monthly Published this article page no  112 64. Kuki tribe  The Kuki people are an ethnic group native to the Mizo Hills (formerly Lushai) in Mizoram.  In northeast India they are present in all states except Arunachal Pradesh.  The Kuki Rising 19171919 — also seen as the anticolonial freedom struggle of the Kukis — was fought against the British to preserve their land. During WWII the Kukis joined the Indian Army to fight the British again.  197 Demand for a separate State The community today feels that despite never bowing to the British their contribution in overthrowing the colonialists has never been acknowledged rather it has left them vulnerable even after India gained Independence.65. Doxxing  It is publishing and analysing others personal information on the internet with a malicious intent that can reveal the persons real identity making them victims of harassments and cyberattacks. 66. Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary  The sanctuary is a component of the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve (5520 sq km) and is a vital component of the Elephant Reserve No. 7 of South India.  It is the only sanctuary of Kerala where sightings of fourhorned antelopes have been reported.  Presence of Egyptian vulture Himalayan griffon and Cinereous vultures are also reported in the sanctuary and the two species of vultures redheaded and whitebacked vultures once common in Kerala are now restricted to the Wayanad plateau.  The NagarholeBandipurMudumalaiWayanad forest complex is also one of the most important tiger habitats in the country.  The forests of the wildlife division form the major catchments for the tributaries of the Kabini river system arihant current affairs magazine monthly buy.

arihant current affairs magazine monthly

arihant current affairs magazine monthly

arihant current affairs magazine monthly

arihant current affairs magazine monthly Published this article page no  111 62. Navroz  Navroz is the new year celebrations for Parsis (Zoroastrians) and Muslims (both Shia and Sunni).  It is celebrated on 21st March every year.  In 1079 AD a Persian (Iranian) king named Jalaluddin Malekshah introduced this festival to generate revenue and collect taxes from people.  It was observed on March 21 to mark the beginning of spring and the day of equinox.  It is inscribed in the list of UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity of India.  In India it is known as Jamshed Navroz. 63. Abel Prize 2022 It has been awarded to Professor Dennis Parnell Sullivan.  He was awarded the prize For his groundbreaking contributions to topology in its broadest sense and in particular its algebraic geometric and dynamical aspects. The Abel Prize is awarded annually to outstanding mathematicians.  It was established by the Norwegian Government in 2002 and is managed by The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters.  The first Abel Prize awarded in 2003 went to French mathematician JeanPierre Serre.  The only person of Indian origin to have won this prize is Srinivasa S.R. Varadhan. He is at the Courant Institute New York University and won it in 2007.  So far the prize has gone to only one woman mathematician Karen Keskulla Uhlenbeck of University of Texas U.S.A arihant current affairs magazine monthly buy.

arihant current affairs magazine monthly

competition refresher magazine

competition refresher magazine competition refresher magazine   this article was published in the magazine leap second  the general conferen...